1. Followed my fellow

16 min readJul 24, 2020


I have started following him daily to know his daily routine, office timings, his weekend plans, his friends, his favorite spots, and so on. Still, there were many things that needed to be known. I was thinking of many plans to get close to him. Seems he is so reserved and to gain his trust it will take a minimum of a year or 2. I don’t mind waiting 2 years but we should start talking now. And any small mistake while starting a conversation with him may lead to the worst. I’m kind of a person, it’s difficult for me to pretend to be someone else.

So a big day came and he was next to me in my white car, we both were all alone. I had a little craze for cars and I have modified it to look like some other car, but still, this looks like a Mahindra xuv500 only. I had cream color seat covers with a neat and well-planed dashboard design. He was lying unconscious, sleeping like a baby. I feel like going near him and kissing him all over his face. what if he wakes up and matches my lips stick mark and catches me. I was scared, back off. I had too many thoughts while seeing his face. His looks say he is so innocent, but not in reality. I was also scared of meeting an accident, sometimes I have stopped my car and end up looking at him for a long time.

As time passed, after around 3–4 hours, we were near the Telangana border. He woke up, I pretended as if I didn’t know him and continued driving. He started shouting “where am I?, Who are you?, Why am I here? Stop the car..” his questions and voice didn’t decrease. I started ignoring his voice, just imaging his peaceful face and driving ahead. I grabbed some snacks from behind the seat and slapped them on his face. He managed to take them from his and stared at me. I said, “eat this, first you relax. I will tell you”. He seems a bit calm. He drank water from a packed bottle, which was not open before. Also grabbed a chips pack, examined to know it’s not poisoned or looks suspicious.

He ate a pack of chips and while opening the biscuit pack, he asked me, “how come I’m here? I remember coming out of my house and don’t remember anything”. While talking he checked for phone and wallet, it seems those were not in his pockets. I observed him and told, “I saw you lying on the road, with the help of the passersby I managed to put you in my car”. He interrupted after seeing outside, “Do you know me?”. I have to hide, I said, “No, but..”. He stopped me, “How can you get a stranger this far?”, “I didn’t have time to play an inquiry game around your clues”. Again him, “Don’t lie, where are my phone and wallet?”. I was out of my patience, I pulled my car to the side of the road so harshly, I could hear my tire sound like a grinding machine noise. I said, “See, I made a mistake of getting you till here, you can get lost now. If I wanted to rob you, why the hell would I get you here? You are not a hulk to be hard to push you out of my car when you are unconscious. You can go now’’. I knew my car was still locked. He didn’t even try to open his door. Was silent for 10minutes or so.

He called me, “hey..”, he seems more curious than angry now. I turned towards him, “See, how can you expect me to believe you when I lay in your car with empty pockets?”. Fair enough to smile at him and start my engine. He continued, “tell me now, why didn’t you take me to the hospital?”. I told him raising the accelerator, “When you were lying on the road, I didn’t check your pockets, when we hit the hospital, as a formality I was made to wait for the doctors to check you and tell what has happened to you, they told me, ‘someone has made him smell chloroform, he will be fine in 3–4 hours, you can take him home’. I told him, ‘no I can’t take him, can I leave him here till he gains conscious? ‘, he told, ‘no, if you don’t know him, then you have to complain to the police and wait till policeman is here, and also this looks like a crime scene, so you were not supposed to leave states.’ I thought for a while then I said, ‘Doctor I know him, I will take him home’ and left from there as I was not able to avoid the trip today. I will be back the day after tomorrow, till then you can stay with me”.

We were silent until I pulled my car for a break. I stopped near the Restaurant so that we could eat and drink something. We both used both rooms, had a dose, and drank coffee. We exited the restaurant and walked towards our car. 10 steps to the car, we saw 2 policemens near our car. I observed closely, they were just chatting. But my hero ran to them. I don’t know what he said, by the time I reached there I heard, “please sir check once, at least once”. I was surprised he could do that. Policeman turned to me and asked for my car keys. I asked why? He didn’t care for the question, he came on me. I passed my keys to him. He checked all my car, dashboard, under the seats, behind the seat, boots, top. He got just some open snacks, a backpack and tools. He handed over the keys to me. Policeman asked me for my phone, I told him I don’t use a mobile phone, he asked my permission to check my wallet, I let him. He didn’t have my phone. He gave my wallet back. Policeman told him, “If needed, we can take you to the station till this problem gets solved, then you both can go back, also we will inform your state’s policemans. Within 2–3 days you can go back”. I stared at him and said in my mother tongue, “Are you out of your mind? You want to stay in a police station for 3 days?, I will say I don’t know you, anyways, they don’t have any doubt on me, you go to hell.”. He somehow convinced the policeman that he was playing a trick, I heard them scolding him and we left from there.

He broke the ice, “I don’t believe if you say you don’t use a phone”, I turned to him and said, “I don’t use a phone”. He was surprised. How come the police didn’t find them?”, “I don’t have it here, I gave it for repair. If you still have a doubt, you can get down here and go back” and pulled a 2000rs note from my wallet. He said, “sorry yaar, I believe you. I don’t have any doubts about you, even policemen found nothing against you. Now don’t ditch me, we shall return together.”. I know why I have to trust him, as he is a harmless fellow.

I reached the place where I was supposed to go. Before going to the hotel, I stopped near a place for shopping. He said he needs to call his parents. He went to the phone booth, and I went inside the shop. I selected 2 shirts and jeans, a pair of night wear like shorts and a t-shirt. By the time I finished the selection, he was there. I took all of those and handed them to him for trials. He told me, “hey it’s okay, I don’t need any”. I said, “I can’t talk to a person who stinks”, he got my point and went to the trail room. He tried all of them and finalized too. He has to finalize, because I know his taste, I know what kind of outfits he likes. Then I said, “if you need anything else you can buy”. I know it’s difficult for me to specify him for his private clothes nor for him to buy infront of me. I pretended to see something else and came back for the billing. Observed he didn’t take anything else other than my selection. He left me no option than specifying them. I went near his ears and said, “I don’t share my private clothes with anyone”. Finished my sentence and couldn’t face him with embracement, turned around till he bought one and came for billing. I was released to buy a backpack. So I paid for everything and reached the car with a backpack. It was 8 o’clock in the night.

I drove to the hotel, which was booked a week ago. Parked my car and went to the counter. I asked if any rooms available other than I booked, answered no. I didn’t want to waste time going around and searching for another room, instead I asked for an extra bed in my room. He saw us and asked, “ma’am, your room contains a double bed, why extra bed ma’am?” He glanced at us as we were here for our honeymoon. I gave a sarcastic smile and asked him, “can you please hand over the keys and guide us to the room? If needed I ask for the bed”. I remember I booked a 5-star property, and they will have an extra sofa or divan for sitting, where we can manage for one night.

My hero told me, “you don’t have to take this risk, I can check for some other room”. I was in confusion, I knew he is a harmless creature, at the same time, how can I stay with him for a night? I gave a little thought and said, “it’s okay we can stay together don’t worry”. We girls will always be more careful than guys. As we moved away from the counter, I walked back to the count and told the manager, “My friend has a problem, he walks in sleep, so can you please make sure he will not leave the premises without my knowledge? Also I gave you word permission to come to my room if you find him walking out.”, Little harshly, “If you let him into the parking lot and he takes the car, then you will be dead, be careful”. He agreed to me. I made sure, if he would not tie me inside and try to run away. The manager told me, “we will lock our gate, without prior notice from the customer, we will not open the gate for any”. This relieved me most of the worries, Thanked him and walked towards my room.

I got room, it’s like 1 RK in metropolitan cities. We had little uncomfortable things to do. I had a proper hot water bath, and got myself comfortable. He also freshens up. As the time passed we were fine and comfortable to sit next to each other and chit chat. We searched for a menu card for dinner, as well as not having proper lunch, both were very hungry. As we waited for dinner, we exchanged our existence back in our place. Basic things like where you stayed, where you worked so on. Suddenly I got a doubt, I asked him, “How come you don’t have any doubt on me any more? Like”, with a huge voice, ”where is my phone? Where is my wallet, etc etc?” He smiled at me and told me, “when I called home late in the evening, they told me they received my wallet and phone via courier, wallet did not contain any money and my phone screen was broken. Sorry for doubting you.” I was like, “Thanks for the stranger who couriered your belongings”. We both started laughing loudly, a door knock stopped our laugh and our dinner was here.

He asked me about my purpose of travel. I said, “I was asked to do some pooja, as per my horoscope, so tomorrow morning at 6.45 o’clock we have to leave the hotel and go to temple. I have taken a token for some pooja at 7”. He seemed impressed, “Never expected this from you. This is awesome. There won’t be any problem if I join you right? Else I can stay back”. I would grab him and hug him tight. He called, “hello?” I came back from his hug, “I don’t have any problem, you can come and ask God if he has any”. Our laugh concluded that he has to join me tomorrow morning. He slept on the couch and me on the double bed.

Morning 6.30 he woke and I was done with the bath and wearing t-shirt and wrapped towel as my bottom. He said, “Oh sorry, you wear changing? Should I go out?”. I turned towards him from the mirror, “Hello don’t expect that I will change in front of you, can you freshen up and finish your bath?”. He woke up and walked towards the bathroom. As he entered the bathroom, I said, “If you don’t mind, can I lock this door from outside? So that I can get ready by the time you finish your bath?”. He seemed amazed by my idea, “sure sure”. I locked him and changed my dress. He knocked after 15 mins. I was done by that time. I opened for him.

He was staring at me, I feel he will jump on me and eat me up. I swung my hand on his sight and asked, “what happened all ok? How is my dress?”, I was wearing a saree, he would have never expected me to wear a saree. Or maybe I was looking beautiful as all girls looked beautiful in saree. He couldn’t utter a word for 30seconds. Then relaxed himself and told, “Wow what a beauty, I didn’t know western dresses hide beauty. You are looking very pretty”. I was in cloud 9, slowly came back and told him, “Dear can you please continue your praising session in the evening? We are getting late now”, showing a traditional outfit on the bed told him, “I have bought you traditional wear, Shirt and Dhoti, If you don’t mind, can you wear them?”. I know this is crazy, I don’t know if I will marry him or not, but at least let me utilise this time with quality. He unpacked the packet of traditional wear and told, “I don’t know how to wear dhoti”, I said, “This is velcro dhoti, a kid can wear this. I will wait outside. Get ready fast, you got max 15 mins” and went out.

I was waiting outside, I have a habit of comparing like if I can solve a sudoku puzzle in the newspaper I will get good marks in the exam, this is very irrelevant , still I do that. By now you would have guessed what my thought is, yes, I thought if he wears that white and white shirt and dhoti, then I get married to him. I was waiting outside, and within 10mins I heard the door opening sound. I was shit scared to turn around to see him. Turned around to see him, boom! He was wearing a dhoti, but a different shirt with white color, and told me, “Hey I don’t like silk shirts, so I’m wearing this. If you’re not ok tell me I will wear a silk shirt”. I couldn’t stop blushing. I controlled hard and said, “I don’t have time to be your designer now, this is good, let’s go”. I don’t know why, I don’t directly appreciate anyone. I didn’t even tell him he is looking good or thanks for wearing them for me.

We went to the temple, it was filled with people. It was hot and I was sweating like anything. In saree one will feel very hot. In Spite of all this I was very happy for the entire process of waiting in line, entering for a pooja. One thing made me happy was I was next to the person I wanted to be with and second thing was he was very protective in the entire process. I finished all pooja, to be performed, we had food at the temple. It was around 4 o’clock when we exited. I was very tired, so I asked him if he could drive till our hotel. It was just 10mins by car. He obviously said yes. I sat next to him. This is one of my biggest dreams to sit next to my husband in my car with the beautiful attire on me. I was thinking that and sat next to him. He asked me, ”we both were together, when did you buy this dress?”, I said, “when you went for a trail in the shop” and smiled. I kept my leg on the seat which relaxed a lot, but you lose control if the car stopped suddenly. And the same thing, somebody came on the wrong side and he applied the brake, boom! I hit my dashboard so hard, I could see stars around. He started shouting in our local slang, I heard the opposite driver also shouting at his local slang. My hero stopped scolding him, when he observed me holding my head and trying to sit back. I got a bump on my head. He turned to me, tried rubbing my forehead, “very sorry, how can I drive so carelessly, when a beauty is next to me”, he was so worried, which was awesome, I totally forgot my pain. Other guy was still shouting, “who gave you licence? You don’t know how to drive, you are not in your state to act however you want, come out I will see. I will call the police”. I could understand that local language and I was also scared because he didn’t have his licence. I warned him not to get out of the car. I joined my hands and said, “sorry brother, he is new and please forgive us” in the broken local language. Other driver was kind of ok after hearing his mother tongue and left the place murmuring some scoldings for us.

We reached our room. I was very tired and my head was also paining, not because of dashboard hit. Early morning head bath and waiting in the temple, everything was very tiring. I washed my face, changed and slept off. I slept for 2–3 hours. When I woke up, how could I leave him alone and sleep. Got up and started searching him, couldn’t find him anywhere. The girl’s mind started getting scared what if he left me? Searched for room keys, but couldn’t find them on the place where it was supposed to be placed. Searched for my car keys, couldn’t find them either. I was about to cry, then thought of searching them in his dhoti pockets. I found them. I didn’t want him to know that I searched for them and took it off, so left them in the pocket itself, because he is slowly believing me. I didn’t want to disturb them. I was urgent for the lue. I went to the bathroom, by the time I was back he was sitting on the bed. I asked him where he was. He said “I was just wandering outside and talking to the house keeping people outside”.

I said, “shall we go out for dinner?” He was very happy, I don’t know the reason. I feel like he is going to propose to me at the dinner table with the diamond ring, wow. I know this is the effect of watching hollywood movies too much. We both got ready and went out, we searched for a good restaurant, searching for a veg restaurant is very difficult. Finally we found one and had our dinner and boarded the car to travel back to the hotel. He is my everything now, my driver, my roommate, tripmate, lunchmate, dinner mate, etc.

As I was not driving I felt like talking to him. I told him, “Thanks for everything, you are such a nice person to be with. Thanks for wearing that dress for me, thanks for taking good care of me in the crowd, thanks for being with me, you were looking fabulous in that attire, I am enjoying your company”, He smiled at me and started, “Hey don’t mention, thanks for making this weekend memorable, thanks for being with me at my bad times, and those selection of dresses, I felt I have selected them myself, how you know all my tastes? Many don’t like being with me, how you enjoyed that too I shouted at you in the beginning. By the way you were looking gorgeous this morning. I couldn’t forget your face from the morning”, I wish you remember me forever. I didn’t want this night to end. Because tomorrow morning I need to go back, which I didn’t want to happen.

Went to the hotel, we switched on the tv, browsed for many channels and got nothing to watch. Both didn’t want to sleep and waste our only night, we started chatting asking about our childhood, highschool, our friends, our hobbies. We discussed many things. Time was running and we felt like stopping it. Finally I said, “Take my phone number, once your back home, please do call me”. He noted down in a paper. I was scared what if he loses this chit? I was scared to give my identity in social media, as I have already tried messaging him and this will relive the lie I told him I didn’t know him. I asked for his number, “Can I have yours? So that we will not miss getting in touch”, I noted down his number. We went to bed at around 3.

It was 8 in the morning when he woke me up. In a hurry we both got ready and vacated the hotel. On the way back home we enjoyed the journey by stopping at every place wherever we see something to eat and something to drink. We had huge fun travelling together. I tease him for every action he made while going, every question he asked me. He was feeling ashamed to ask me all those. I started loving his expression which made me tease him more and more.

I reached the place where I found him lying. I said, “you were lying down here.”. He told me, “stop here”. I said, “I will drop you home”. He said, “No, I want to know what happened here with me”. I handled him one 500 rs note as an emergency. He told me, “5mins walk for my home from here, I don’t need this”. “It’s okay, keep it. Take care, thanks for everything, I want you to call me, meet me sometime. Sorry, if any of my words hurt you”. “Thank you for your dare. Sure I will get in touch. Bye then”. I left.

While moving forward I could see him going inside the small shop near that place. Now I was scared, what if that shopkeeper saw me making him unconscious. What if he observed me hitting the highway directly rather than going into the city for hospital? What if he observed me going to the courier office to courier his belongings to his house. If my hero finds all this, he will sure not call me, if he calls then surely he will hit me for doing all this. Om my God what to do. I should have not fooled my fellow. But time spent with him was quality one. I faked him to be with him, but I didn’t fake my love for him. Let me wait for some days, some news will pop up for me…

