3 min readSep 24, 2020
  • 8th April 2020

MyDiary. Today -> 8th April 2020
Yesterday I got to see you for the first time. Just a photo, shared just like any other marriage proposal. Saw your photo on my phone and closed it, as I was fed up with this process. I liked your photo, you were too handsome and good looking for me to imagine you as my partner. So didn’t bother to concentrate on your photo. Day was complete and I went to bed.

You were already there when I reached that place. I didn’t know what you were doing there? After going near to you then realised that it was your wedding and you were having your pre-wed shoot. Then I checked the invitation I had in my hand. That was you getting married to someone. I felt what made me come here to see this?

After a while, your fiance and I were doing some wedding related pooja to the well. That was like a ring well, water was deep inside so we needed to get down in-order to touch water, stone was built instead of rings. I don’t remember how we got in there, while coming out, it was very hard to climb up. So you and I don’t know whether he is your brother or your friend, were already up and helping us to come up.

You lend your hand to pull me up. I hold your hand, that’s the first time I touched you and saw you in your eyes so closely. I lent my right hand and left hand was still holding the one of the step below. You insisted on leaving my left hand free so that you will pull me up easily. I was not sure whether to leave my other hand. You were asking me to let my left hand free. I saw you. I don’t know why I felt like you would take care of me and I was on air. You pulled me up I could feel coming very near to you as pull me up. I was so close to your face, 5inches more to kiss you. I was stun, you just left me hands and moved to pick you finance’s hand. I walk next to you brother.

After that I don’t know what has happened to you, you came to me and told that you called off your marriage, as he was your friend’s lover and now they decided to get married. Obviously I was very happy and we met in the restaurant I was in cloud to stand next to you with all the feel I had towards you. You were holding my torso and so am I. We both talked to each other watching some pond in front of us.

After a while we started saying, “I made a mistake breaking up with her, as she was very attached to me, now she is not at all comfortable with her lover”. I moved him a bit and stood a bit far and asked, “what are you talking about?”, he was, “I like you but she is telling all these like I can’t marry him I want you and all”.